Girl in a


Analytical Features

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from a Trader’s perspective

Girl in a

One Platform

for Options Analysis & Trading

Become an Exceptional Options
Trader with OPSTRA

OPSTRA is your one-stop solution for all your F&O trading needs. With our advanced features, you can perform a thorough analysis to make smart trade decisions, every time. Trade in the F&O, currency, and commodities segments with real-time price updates.

All you need is a Demat account to experience the unique features of OPSTRA.

Features of OPSTRA Options Analytics Platform


Create & execute strategies with OPSTRA option strategy builder. Access payoff charts, Futures chart, Greeks, and P&L for your positions and save your strategies under paper or custom portfolio for virtual/paper trading.


Keep an eye on the option trading market with the Options Dashboard. Get a comprehensive view of various stocks’ performance, filter stocks as per your preference and use EOD IV charts to monitor the market movement.

Option Chain

You can perform a detailed Option Chain* analysis under strategy builder. Get valuable insights to recognize potential opportunities, monitor the market sentiment, and manage risk to take better decisions.


Get access to a quick view of the futures market with the futures dashboard*, view graphs for Futures Open Interest*, and monitor the Futures Buildup* section to stay updated to recognize lucrative opportunities.


Analyze the FII/DII cash market with data available for daily, monthly & yearly intervals with segregated data for FII & DII. Get comprehensive FII, PRO, DII and Client Open Interest data for the Derivatives segment.

Moving Averages*

Use OPSTRA option analytics to monitor market trends with moving averages. Practice safe trading with the market-wide position limit list to avoid trading into scrips that can undergo ban.

Put Call

Check line charts for PCR & WPCR along with their moving averages in EOD and Intraday timeframes to get critical insights about the market sentiment.


View histograms for strike wise Open Interest and change in Open Interest along with LTPs for comparison to make informed trading decisions.

Get access to these features and more for Free with your Definedge Securities Demat Account.

Please note that the features marked (*) are available with 15-minute updates in the free subscription of OPSTRA.
You can get these features with 1 minute data updates (3 minute for OI) with OPSTRA PRO.

Looking for more Features? Try OPSTRA PRO

Become an exceptional F&O trader with OPSTRA PRO. You get all the features of Free subscription along with
an extensive range of advanced features, designed to ease analysis and trading on OPSTRA.

Options Backtesting & Simulator

Backtest trading strategies on EOD timeframes with Options Backtesting or use Options Simulator to simulate user-defined strategies on intraday basis with a minimum timeframe of 5mins.


Create and analyze Straddle strategies in Strategy Builder or monitor Straddle and multi-straddles charts for various strike prices and timeframes for a thorough analysis.

Intraday Charts

Trade better with Intraday line charts for future contracts along with bar charts for OI. You can also view the intraday IV charts for options trading with OPSTRA PRO.

Total Open Interest

Analyze the Total Open Interest line chart for any selected strikes and view historical TOI for selected expired contracts. You can also view OI charts and options activity under Open Interest.

Volatility Skew & Volatility Surface

View a 3D representation of IV values of OTM strikes of various Expiries with Volatility surface and monitor the data comprehensively with Volatility Skew table.

Put Call OI Dynamics

Monitor intraday line chart for Put OI, Call OI, PE-CE & PCR for Total OI and Change in OI with Put Call OI Dynamics to anticipate market movements or develop effective trading strategies.

Options Backtesting & Simulator

Options Backtesting & Simulator

Backtest trading strategies on EOD timeframes with Options Backtesting or use Options Simulator to simulate user-defined strategies on intraday basis with a minimum timeframe of 5mins.



Create and analyze Straddle strategies in Strategy Builder or monitor Straddle and multi-straddles charts for various strike prices and timeframes for a thorough analysis.

Intraday Charts

Intraday Charts

Trade better with Intraday line charts for future contracts along with bar charts for OI. You can also view the intraday IV charts for options trading with OPSTRA PRO.

Total Open Interest

Total Open Interest

Analyze the Total Open Interest line chart for any selected strikes and view historical TOI for selected expired contracts. You can also view OI charts and options activity under Open Interest.

Volatility Skew & Volatility Surface

Volatility Skew & Volatility Surface

View a 3D representation of IV values of OTM strikes of various Expiries with Volatility surface and monitor the data comprehensively with Volatility Skew table.

Put Call OI Dynamics

Put Call OI Dynamics

Monitor intraday line chart for Put OI, Call OI, PE-CE & PCR for Total OI and Change in OI with Put Call OI Dynamics to anticipate market movements or develop effective trading strategies.



Options Portfolio

Maximum of 2 trades across all portfolios


Options Backtesting

Options Simulator

Options Algorithm

Options Dashboard

15 minutes update

Live Data

IV Charts



Volatility Surface

Strategy Charts

Historical Charts

Strategy Builder

Volatility Skew

Results Calendar

Historical Results

Open Interest

Options Open Interest

15 minutes update

Live Data

Total Open Interest

Historical TOI


Put Call OI Dynamics

Open Interest Charts

Options Buildup


15 minutes update

Live Data


Option Chain with Greeks

15 minutes update

Live Data

Unusual Options Activity


Open Interest Crossover

Options Activity


Futures Dashboard

15 minutes update

Live Data

Futures Open Interest

15 minutes update

Futures Intraday

Futures Buildup

15 minutes update

Live Data


15 minutes update

Live Data

Moving Averages

15 minutes update

Live Data



FII/DII Cash Market

FII/DII Derivatives

Our wallet feature makes
OPSTRA PRO effectively free

Get access to our advanced features with OPSTRA PRO!

With our wallet feature, your PRO subscription amount will be added as wallet points to use against brokerage.

Why OPSTRA Analytics & Trading Terminal?

With OPSTRA, you can create & analyze strategies, perform options analysis, and trade in the F&O, Currency, and Commodities segments with real-time price updates for free.

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Trade Directly

We have made F&O trading easy with OPSTRA. You can build and analyze strategies and trade directly in the F&O, Currency, and Commodities segments.

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Real-time Price Updates

Stay ahead of the curve and make smart options trading decisions with real-time updates on all positions for free with OPSTRA Options Trading Platform.

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Get Results Calendar & History

Always stay updated with the latest quarterly results of FNO Stocks with the Results Calendar or monitor past data of specific companies with the Historical Results on OPSTRA.

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With a sectoral view based on Market Cap or Equal Weight, monitor the performance and growth of various sectors or the F&O stocks within each sector.

*For Free subscription, you get 15 minutes updates on the Heatmap

How OPSTRA Options Analysis
& Trading Works?

OPSTRA Options Analysis and Trading Terminal is your one-stop solution for all your F&O trading needs. Build and analyze strategies on the OPSTRA option strategy builder, monitor risks with payoff charts, take positions, and manage
your portfolio.

OPSTRA offers a range of features and to explore them all, check out our
OPSTRA User Guide.

Ready to use OPSTRA?
All you need is
a Demat Account!

Your Definedge Securities Demat account gives you access to our extensive Definedge universe, with free access to our products and education.
Explore the smarter way of trading & investment with us.


Stay Updated with Us

Check out our library to learn about various patterns, indicators, and more!


OPSTRA Options Analysis and Trading Terminal is a comprehensive tool offering 27+ analytical features for a thorough analysis and easier trading. To understand all the features of OPSTRA and how they work, check our User Guide.

OPSTRA is India’s most popular and liked Options Analysis & Trading platform, offering a plethora of features in both Free & PRO subscriptions. With 27+ analytical features, OPSTRA offers comprehensive analysis for smart options trading. You can create, backtest and execute strategies, all from the same platform. It is the one-stop solution for all F&O traders.

OPSTRA offers an extensive range of free & PRO features in the OPSTRA Options Analysis & Trading Terminal. You can create, backtest, and execute strategies for F&O trading.

A few distinct features of OPSTRA include -

  • OPSTRA Options Strategy Builder
  • Options Backtesting
  • Options Simulator
  • Futures Dashboard
  • Intraday Charts
  • Volatility Surface
  • Paper Portfolio
  • Straddles
  • Option Chain and more.

OPSTRA offers an effective strategy builder where you can create your own strategies of futures & options or select from pre-defined strategies under the Strategies tab in the builder. You can also save your strategies in a paper or custom portfolio for virtual trading.

To better understand how OPSTRA option strategy builder works, check our user guide.

OPSTRA supports Nifty, Bank Nifty and 51 stocks. It avoids illiquid tickers due to a lack of liquidity in options which might lead to unreliable backtesting results.

To check your current subscription, expiry or to subscribe for PRO from your OPSTRA account, visit

Open Demat Account