Customer Support : 020-61923200, [email protected] | Call and Trade : 020-61923220
The Definedge Securities trading API INTEGRATE allows you to build trading and investment services platforms, execute strategies, and much more.
You can execute & modify orders in real time in equities, derivatives, currencies and commodities. You can also manage user portfolios, access live market data and much more with a lightning fast API.
We offer resource-based URLs that accept JSON or form-encoded requests. The response is returned as JSON-encoded responses using Standard HTTP response codes, verbs, and authentication.
Below is complete documentation of the Integrate trading API.
Base URL: ( This is the base url for all trading related API’s. For Ex. buy, sell, order book, trade book etc. )
Note: Data from Integrate API and Websocket is intended for personal use only. Distribution of this data is strictly prohibited.
Python Client Library for INTEGRATE API along with working examples is now available.
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Download link for Master file of Symbols |
NSE Cash: NSE FNO: NSE CDS: BSE Cash: BSE FNO: MCX FNO: All Segments: |
Method |
Produces |
application/zip |
Description |
This link downloads master file consisting all the symbols of all segments, in zip format. You should download this file every morning after 7.30am for latest trading symbols. These trading symbols are arranged as per different exchanges and segments. Application that consumes trading API needs to update master file on daily basis. Extracted zip file produces csv file which can be imported in your trading software.
Response message format |
Fields in downloaded CSV file appears in following sequence SEGMENT – STRING NSE/BSE/NFO/CDS/MCX TOKEN - INT SYMBOL - STRING TRADINGSYM - STRING INSTRUMENT TYPE- STRING EXPIRY – DDMMYYYY only for derivatives TICKSIZE - INT LOTSIZE - INT OPTIONTYPE - STRING STRIKE - INT ( Actual Strike price = STRIKE/( MULTIPLIER * 10 ^ PRICEPREC) ) PRICEPREC – INT. Use this for calculating strike price. MULTIPLIER – INT. Use this for calculating strike price. ISIN - STRING, EMPTY WHEN NOT APPLICABLE PRICEMULT = FLOAT |
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Historical Data API |
URL |{segment}/{token}/{timeframe}/{from}/{to} |
Method |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Produces |
text/csv |
Description |
Data for various timeframes is available as follows: |
Request URL format |
segment: NSE/BSE/NFO/CDS/MCX token (from Master file) timeframe: day/minute/tick from: ddMMyyyyHHmm format to: ddMMyyyyHHmm format For example: |
Response message format |
Fields in response appear in following format (csv without headers) for tick timeframe: UTC(in seconds), LTP(Last Traded Price), LTQ(Last Traded Quantity), Open Interest (OI will be 0 for Equity segments) |
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Various Error codes |
Description |
API returns different errors depending on nature of data submitted and server processing. Some of the errors are technical while some errors are business validations.
400 - Server returns this error if some of the request parameters are incorrect or required headers are missing. 404 - Server returns this error when requested URL is invalid 500 - This is general error if there are any technical issues on API server
Rest of the errors are returned in API response with JSON structure.
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
User login - Step one |
URL |{{api_token}} |
Method |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
To get values for api_token and api_secret, Go to Account section of MyAccount ( and click on "SHOW MY API SECRET" button at top. Your API credentials get reset when you change/reset your login password. |
Request Header |
api_secret: Actual value of api_secret key |
GET Request{{api_token}}
-H "api_secret: Actual value of api_secret key"
Response Message Format
"otp_token": "...",
"message": "OTP is sent to mobile XXXX and registered email id."
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
User login - Step two |
URL | |
Method |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API performs second step of login for 2 Factor Authentication and it returns API key You need to retain API key received in response to use it for all API calls. Also retain susertoken for websocket connection. |
Request Header |
NA |
API Key |
Extract "api_session_key" and use this in all subsequent API calls by passing in request header |
Websocket Key |
Extract "susertoken" from response and use it while making Websocket connection. |
Request Message Format
"otp_token": "{{otp_token}}",
"otp": "{{otp_code}}"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-d "client_id=TRTP"
-d "grant_type=password"
-d "client_secret=f5c00...-.....-....e09a54da3"
(Your client secret is available at MyAccount->Account page)
-d "otp=OTP RECEIVED "
Response Message Format
"request_time": "13:26:42 03-02-2023",
"actid": "YOUR UCC",
"uname": "test user10",
"prarr": [ ...],
"stat": "Ok",
"susertoken": "YOUR WEBSOCKET KEY",
"email": "YOUR EMAIL",
"uid": "YOUR UCC",
"brnchid": "HO",
"orarr": [...],
"exarr": [],
"brkname": "DEFINEDGE",
"lastaccesstime": "1675411002",
"api_session_key": "YOUR API KEY"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
User login - Step Three (Get Order Management System [OMS] token) |
Relative URL |
/token |
Method |
Content-Type |
application/json |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
After user authentication, you will receive JWT from authentication server which needs to be passed to this API. Invoke this for getting OMS token. You need to retain API key received in response and use it for all API calls |
Request message format |
JWT Received from Login API. JWT is in JSON format. Pass it to this API as POST request. |
API Key |
Extract "api_session_key" and Use this in all subsequent API calls by passing in request header |
Request Message Format
"access_token": "...",
"expires_in": 28800,
"refresh_expires_in": 900,
"refresh_token": "...",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"id_token": "...",
"not-before-policy": 1640845104,
"session_state": "...",
"scope": "..."
// Post response from STEP 2 to API server URL
Response Message Format
"request_time": "13:26:42 03-02-2023",
"actid": "YOUR UCC",
"uname": "test user10",
"prarr": [ ...],
"stat": "Ok",
"susertoken": "YOUR WEBSOCKET KEY",
"email": "YOUR EMAIL",
"uid": "YOUR UCC",
"brnchid": "HO",
"orarr": [...],
"exarr": [],
"brkname": "DEFINEDGE",
"lastaccesstime": "1675411002",
"api_session_key": "YOUR API KEY"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Place BUY/SELL order |
Relative URL |
/placeorder |
Method |
Content-Type |
application/json |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API places BUY/SELL order in different segments entitled to user. |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Place Order Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
exchange* | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
order_type* | BUY SELL |
Order type BUY/SELL |
price* | - | Price to place the order (Should be 0 in case of price_type = Market) |
Price type for order. Supported values are from LIMIT/MARKET/SL-LIMIT/SL-MARKET |
product_type* | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL |
Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
quantity* | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
tradingsymbol* | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
amo | - | Only if AMO order, input value as "Yes", otherwise skip |
disclosed_quantity | - | Quantity to be disclosed (Only for Equity and MCX) |
market_protection | - | Market order protection percentage (only for BSE and MCX) |
remarks | - | Any tag by user to mark order. |
trigger_price | - | Price at which the order should be triggered (only for price_type = SL-LIMIT or SL-MARKET) |
validity | DAY EOS IOC |
Order Validity(default value = DAY) |
Place Order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
message | - | Shows the status message |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
order_id | - | Shows Order ID |
Request Message Format
"price_type": "MARKET",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB23F",
"quantity": "50",
"product_type": "NORMAL",
"order_type": "SELL",
"exchange": "NFO"
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"order_id": "123456789000"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Get Order book |
Relative URL |
/orders |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API returns order book data which represents all the orders placed on that day along with their respective status. |
Request message format |
NA |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Order Book Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
message | - | Shows the status message |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
orders | - | Refer below table Order Book Response Item |
Order Book Response Item :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
amo | - | After Market Order, if Yes. Will take Regular as default |
average_traded_price | - | Average trade price of total traded quantity |
book_loss_price | - | Shows Stoploss price. Applicable only for Bracket orders |
book_profit_price | - | Shows target price. Applicable only for Bracket orders |
cancel_qty | - | Canceled quantity for order which is in status cancelled |
disclosed_quantity | - | Quantity to be disclosed (Only for Equity and MCX) |
exchange | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
exchange_orderid | - | Order id generated by exchange |
exchange_time | - | Exchange update time |
expiry | - | For derivatives, specifies expiry of the contract |
filled_qty | - | Total Traded Quantity of this order |
instrument_type | - | Instrument type |
last_fill_qty | - | quantity of last executed trade |
lotsize | - | For Derivatives symbols, specifies its lot size |
market_protection | - | Market order protection percentage (only for BSE and MCX) |
message | - | Shows the status message |
multiplier | - | Contract price multiplier, (used for order value calculation) |
order_entry_time | - | Indicates Order entry time |
order_id | - | Shows Order ID |
order_status |
Shows the status for the request |
order_type |
Order type BUY/SELL |
pending_qty | - | Specifies quantity which is open and yet to be executed |
price | - | Price to place the order (Should be 0 in case of price_type = Market) |
price_factor | - | Contract price factor, (used for order value calculation) |
price_precision | - | Indicates the price precision |
price_type |
Price type for order. Supported values are from LIMIT/MARKET/SL-LIMIT/SL-MARKET |
product_type |
Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
quantity | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
remarks | - | - |
required_price | - | |
ticksize | - | Tick size for the mentioned symbol |
token | - | Unique token ID for each symbol |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
trailing_price | - | Shows Stoploss price. Applicable only for Bracket orders |
trigger_price | - | Price at which the order should be triggered (only for price_type = SL_LIMIT or SL_MARKET) |
validity | - | Order Validity DAY/EOS/IOC,(default value = DAY) |
variety |
Specifies whether it a Regular, AMO or Squareoff order |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"orders": [
"order_id": "1234567890",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB23F",
"token": "48757",
"quantity": "50",
"price_type": "MARKET",
"product_type": "NORMAL",
"order_entry_time": "1675257585",
"order_status": "COMPLETE",
"order_type": "SELL",
"variety": "REGULAR",
"lotsize": "50",
"exchange_orderid": "1001234567890",
"pending_qty": "0",
"price": "0.00",
"exchange_time": "01-02-2023 18:49:48",
"average_traded_price": "17665.00",
"exchange": "NFO",
"filled_qty": "50",
"disclosed_quantity": "0",
"validity": "DAY",
"price_precision": "2",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"price_factor": "1.000000",
"multiplier": "1",
"rqty": "50",
"required_price": "17665.00"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Get Single Order Status |
Relative URL |
/order/{orderid} |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API returns order status for that specific order along with its details. |
Request message format |
NA |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Single Order Status Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
amo | - | After Market Order, if Yes. Will take Regular as default |
book_loss_price | - | Shows Stoploss price. Applicable only for Bracket orders |
book_profit_price | - | Shows target price. Applicable only for Bracket orders |
cancel_qty | - | Canceled quantity for order which is in status cancelled |
disclosed_quantity | - | Quantity to be disclosed (Only for Equity and MCX) |
exchange | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
exchange_orderid | - | Order id generated by exchange |
exchange_time | - | Exchange update time |
expiry | - | For derivatives, specifies expiry of the contract |
filled_qty | - | Total Traded Quantity of this order |
instrument_type | - | Instrument type |
last_fill_qty | - | quantity of last executed trade |
market_protection | - | Market order protection percentage (only for BSE and MCX) |
message | - | Shows the status message |
order_entry_time | - | Indicates Order entry time |
order_id | - | Shows Order ID |
order_status |
Shows the status for the request |
order_type |
Order type BUY/SELL |
pending_qty | - | Specifies quantity which is open and yet to be executed |
price | - | Price to place the order (Should be 0 in case of price_type = Market) |
price_type |
Price type for order. Supported values are from LIMIT/MARKET/SL-LIMIT/SL-MARKET |
product_type |
Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
quantity | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
remarks | - | - |
token | - | Unique token ID for each symbol |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
trailing_price | - | Shows Stoploss price. Applicable only for Bracket orders |
trigger_price | - | Price at which the order should be triggered (only for price_type = SL_LIMIT or SL_MARKET) |
validity | - | Order Validity DAY/EOS/IOC,(default value = DAY) |
Response Message Format
"order_id": "1234567890",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB23F",
"token": "48757",
"quantity": "50",
"price_type": "MARKET",
"product_type": "NORMAL",
"order_entry_time": "1675257585",
"order_status": "COMPLETE",
"order_type": "SELL",
"exchange_orderid": "1001234567890",
"pending_qty": "0",
"price": "0.00",
"exchange_time": "01-02-2023 18:49:48",
"exchange": "NFO",
"filled_qty": "50",
"disclosed_quantity": "0",
"validity": "DAY"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Get Trade book |
Relative URL |
/trades |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API returns trade book data which represents trades along with their respective status. |
Request message format |
NA |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response in Login Step 3 |
Trade Book Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
message | - | Shows the status message |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
trades | - | Refer below table Trade Book Response Item |
Trade Book Response Item
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
average_traded_price | - | Average price of the traded quantity |
exchange | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
exchange_orderid | - | Order id generated by exchange |
exchange_time | - | Time at which order reached at exchange |
fill_id | - | Specifies the system generated fill id |
fill_price | - | Price at which the trade was filled |
fill_time | - | Time at which the trade was filled |
filled_qty | - | Total Traded / filled quantity |
last_fill_qty | - | quantity of last executed trade |
lotsize | - | For Derivatives symbols, specifies its lot size |
order_id | - | Shows Order ID |
order_type | BUY SELL |
Order type BUY/SELL |
price | - | Price to place the order |
price_precision | - | Price Precision |
Price type for order. Supported values are from LIMIT/MARKET/SL-LIMIT/SL-MARKET |
product_type | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL |
Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
quantity | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
remarks | - | Any tag by user to mark order. |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
ticksize | - | Tick size for the mentioned symbol |
token | - | Unique token ID for each symbol |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
validity | DAY EOS IOC |
Order Validity DAY/EOS/IOC,(default value = DAY) |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"trades": [
"order_id": "1234567890",
"exchange": "NFO",
"price_type": "MARKET",
"validity": "DAY",
"product_type": "NORMAL",
"fill_id": "4627",
"fill_time": "01-02-2023 18:49:48",
"order_type": "SELL",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB23F",
"quantity": "50",
"token": "48757",
"filled_qty": "50",
"last_fill_qty": "50",
"price_precision": "2",
"lotsize": "50",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"price": "0.00",
"fill_price": "17665.00",
"exchange_time": "01-02-2023 18:49:48",
"exchange_orderid": "1001234567890 "
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Get Position book |
Relative URL |
/positions |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API returns all Positions of the current day. |
Request message format |
NA |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Position Book Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
message | - | Shows the status message |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
positions | - | Refer below table Position Book Response Item |
Position Book Response Item :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
break_even_point | - | - |
broker_name | - | Broker specific contract display name, present only if applicable. |
carry_buy_amt | - | Amount for carry forward Buy amount |
carry_buy_avg | - | Buy average for carry forward quantity |
carry_buy_qty | - | Total Carry forward Buy quantity |
carry_sell_amt | - | Amount for carry forward Sell amount |
carry_sell_avg | - | Sell average for carry forward quantity |
carry_sell_qty | - | Total Carry forward Sell quantity |
cf_sell_quantity | - | - |
day_averageprice | - | - |
day_buy_amt | - | Amount for quantity bought today |
day_buy_avg | - | Average for quantity bought today |
day_buy_qty | - | Quantity bought today |
day_sell_amt | - | Amount for quantity sold today |
day_sell_avg | - | Average for quantity sold today |
day_sell_qty | - | Quantity sold today |
exchange | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
lastPrice | - | - |
lotsize | - | For Derivatives symbols, specifies its lot size |
multiplier | - | Contract price multiplier, (used for order value calculation) |
net_averageprice | - | - |
net_quantity | - | - |
net_uploadprice | - | - |
open_buy_amount | - | Indicates the Open Buy Amount |
open_buy_averageprice | - | Indicates the Open Buy Average Price |
open_buy_quantity | - | Indicates the Open Buy Quantity |
open_sell_amount | - | Indicates the Open Sell Amount |
open_sell_averageprice | - | Indicates the Open Sell Average Price |
open_sell_quantity | - | Indicates the Open Sell Quantity |
order_id | - | Shows Order ID |
original_average_price | - | - |
price_factor | - | Contract price factor (GNPN)/(GDPD) |
price_precision | - | Indicates the price precision |
product_type | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL | Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
realized_pnl | - | Realised Returns |
request_time | - | - |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
ticksize | - | Tick size for the mentioned symbol |
token | - | Unique token ID for each symbol |
total_buy_amt | - | Amount for total Buy amount |
total_buy_avg | - | Average for total Buy quantity |
total_sell_amt | - | Amount for total Sell amount |
total_sell_avg | - | Average for total Sell quantity |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
unrealized_pnl | - | Unrealised Returns |
upload_price | - | - |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"positions": [
"exchange": "NFO",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB23F",
"product_type": "NORMAL",
"token": "48757",
"price_precision": "2",
"lotsize": "50",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"multiplier": "1",
"price_factor": "1.000000",
"day_buy_qty": "0",
"day_sell_qty": "50",
"day_buy_amt": "0.00",
"day_buy_avg": "0.00",
"day_sell_amt": "883250.00",
"day_sell_avg": "17665.00",
"carry_buy_qty": "0",
"carry_sell_qty": "0",
"open_buy_quantity": "0",
"open_sell_quantity": "0",
"open_buy_amount": "0.00",
"open_buy_averageprice": "0.00",
"open_sell_amount": "0.00",
"open_sell_averageprice": "0.00",
"day_averageprice": "17665.00",
"net_quantity": "-50",
"net_averageprice": "17665.00",
"upload_price": "0.00",
"net_uploadprice": "17665.00",
"lastPrice": "17665.00",
"unrealized_pnl": "-0.00",
"break_even_point": "17665.00",
"realized_pnl": "0.00",
"total_buy_amt": "0.00",
"total_sell_amt": "883250.00",
"total_sell_avg": "17665.00"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Get Holdings |
Relative URL |
/holdings |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API provides holdings along with their details. |
Request message format |
NA |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Holding Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
avg_buy_price | - | Average Buy price |
broker_collateral_qty | - | Non-POA Pledged Quantity |
collateral_qty | - | POA pledged Collateral Quantity |
cusa_qty | - | CUSA qty |
dp_qty | - | DP Holding Quantity |
haircut | - | Haircut for that symbol |
holding_used | - | Quantity placed to sell today |
message | - | Error message |
non_poa_qty | - | Non POA Quantity |
sell_amt | - | Amount for quantity sold today |
status | - | Holding request success or failure indication |
t1_qty | - | T1 Quantity |
trade_qty | - | Quantity Sold today |
tradingsymbol | - | Refer below table Holdings Response Item |
unpledged_qty | - | Unpledged quantity |
Holdings Response Item :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
exchange | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
isin | - | Specifies ISIN code for the given scrip, in case of Equity Scrips |
lotsize | - | For Derivatives symbols, specifies its lot size |
message | - | Shows the status message |
price_precision | Object | Price Precision |
requestTime | - | - |
ticksize | - | Tick size for the mentioned symbol |
token | - | Unique token ID for each symbol |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": [
"dp_qty": "0",
"t1_qty": "25",
"holding_used": "0",
"avg_buy_price": "197.30",
"sell_amt": "0.000000",
"trade_qty": "0",
"tradingsymbol": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"tradingsymbol": "CUB-EQ",
"token": "5701",
"price_precision": "2",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"lotsize": "1",
"isin": "INE491A01021"
"exchange": "BSE",
"tradingsymbol": "CUB",
"token": "532210",
"price_precision": "2",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"lotsize": "1",
"isin": "INE491A01021"
"dp_qty": "0",
"t1_qty": "300",
"holding_used": "0",
"avg_buy_price": "21.80",
"sell_amt": "0.000000",
"trade_qty": "0",
"tradingsymbol": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"tradingsymbol": "IOB-EQ",
"token": "9348",
"price_precision": "2",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"lotsize": "1",
"isin": "INE565A01014"
"exchange": "BSE",
"tradingsymbol": "IOB",
"token": "532388",
"price_precision": "2",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"lotsize": "1",
"isin": "INE565A01014"
"dp_qty": "0",
"t1_qty": "200",
"holding_used": "0",
"avg_buy_price": "23.55",
"sell_amt": "0.000000",
"trade_qty": "0",
"tradingsymbol": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"tradingsymbol": "MAHABANK-EQ",
"token": "11377",
"price_precision": "2",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"lotsize": "1",
"isin": "INE457A01014"
"exchange": "BSE",
"tradingsymbol": "MAHABANK",
"token": "532525",
"price_precision": "2",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"lotsize": "1",
"isin": "INE457A01014"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Modify individual order |
Relative URL |
/modify |
Method |
Content-Type |
application/json |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API modifies existing order, if it is OPEN or Partially fulfilled |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Modify Order Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
exchange* | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
order_id* | - | Shows Order ID |
order_type* | BUY SELL |
Order type BUY/SELL Should be same as original order |
price* | - | Price to place the order (Should be 0 in case of price_type = Market) |
Price type for order. Supported values are from LIMIT/MARKET/SL-LIMIT/SL-MARKET |
product_type* | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL |
Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
quantity* | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
tradingsymbol* | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
disclosed_quantity | - | Quantity to be disclosed (Only for Equity and MCX) |
market_protection | - | Market order protection percentage (only for BSE and MCX) |
remarks | - | Any tag by user to mark order. |
source | - | Specifies Order source |
trigger_price | - | Price at which the order should be triggered (only for price_type = SL-LIMIT or SL-MARKET) |
validity | DAY EOS IOC |
Order Validity DAY/EOS/IOC,(default value = DAY) |
Modify Order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
message | - | Shows the status message |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
order_id | - | Shows Order ID |
Request Message Format
"exchange": "NFO",
"order_id": "1234567890012",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB23C17800",
"quantity": "100",
"product": "INTRADAY",
"order_type": "BUY",
"price_type": "LIMIT"
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"order_id": "1234567890012"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Cancel Open order |
Relative URL |
/cancel/{orderid} |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API cancels existing order if it is OPEN or Partially fulfilled |
Request message format |
This is get request and order id needs to be put in request URL. e.g. /cancel/1234567890012 |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Cancel Order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
message | Shows the status message | |
order_id | Shows Order ID | |
request_time | Request time | |
status | Shows the status for the request |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"order_id": "1234567890012",
"request_time": "19:05:27 01-02-2023"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Place BUY/SELL order with slicing |
Relative URL |
/sliceorder |
Method |
Content-Type |
application/json |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API places BUY/SELL order in different segments entitled to user with default slicing. |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Place Slice Order Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
exchange* | Exchange to which order will be placed | |
order_type* | BUY SELL |
Order type BUY/SELL |
price* | Price to place the order (Should be 0 in case of price_type = Market) | |
Price type for order. Supported values are from LIMIT/MARKET/SL-LIMIT/SL-MARKET |
product_type* | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL |
Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
quantity* | Order quantity per slice(In multiple of lots for derivatives). This will be used for one single slice order | |
slices* | Provide how many slices to be created for given order. | |
tradingsymbol* | Trading symbol as per master file | |
amo | If AMO order, input value as "Yes", otherwise optional | |
disclosed_quantity | Quantity to be disclosed (Only for Equity and MCX) | |
market_protection | Market order protection percentage (only for BSE and MCX) | |
remarks | Any tag by user to mark order. | |
trigger_price | Price at which the order should be triggered (only for price_type = SL-LIMIT or SL-MARKET) | |
validity | DAY EOS IOC |
Order Validity DAY/EOS/IOC,(default value = DAY) |
Place Slice Order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
message | - | Shows the status message |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
order_id | - | Shows Order ID |
Request Message Format
"price_type": "LIMIT",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB23F",
"quantity": "1000",
"product_type": "NORMAL",
"price": "17600",
"order_type": "BUY",
"exchange": "NFO",
"validity": "DAY",
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Orders submitted",
"orders": [
"status": "SUCCESS",
"order_id": "123456789000"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"order_id": "1234567890001"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Product conversion |
Relative URL |
/productconversion |
Method |
Content-Type |
application/json |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API provides product conversion feature of open positions |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Product Conversion Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
exchange* | - | Specifies the Exchange for your trading symbol |
order_type* | BUY SELL | Order type BUY/SELL |
position_type* | - | - |
previous_product* | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL | Previous product type to be converted |
product_type* | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL | New Product type to be after conversion, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both). |
quantity* | - | Order Quantity (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
tradingsymbol* | - | Specifies the trading symbol |
Product Conversion Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
message | - | Shows the status message |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
Request Message Format
"exchange": "NFO",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB23F",
"quantity": 50,
"previous_product": "NORMAL",
"order_type": "SELL",
"product_type": "INTRADAY",
"position_type": "DAY"
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Get GTT Order book |
Relative URL |
/gttorders |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
Application/json |
Description |
This API returns order book data which represents all the open GTT orders. |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
GTT Order book Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
alert_id | - | Alert ID |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
exchange | - | Specifies the Exchange for your trading symbol |
token | - | Unique token ID for each symbol |
remarks | - | Any tag by user to mark order. |
order_time | - | Order Time |
order_type | BUY SELL |
Order type BUY/SELL |
Price type for order. Supported values are from LIMIT/MARKET/SL-LIMIT/SL-MARKET |
product_type | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL |
Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
lotsize | - | For Derivatives symbols, specifies its lot size |
trigger_price | - | Price at which the order should be triggered |
quantity | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
condition | - | Condition for the placed GTT / OCO order |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"pendingGTTOrderBook": [
"alert_id": "1234001",
"tradingsymbol": "TCS-EQ",
"exchange": "NSE",
"token": "11536",
"remarks": "",
"order_time": "16:23:36 27-03-2023",
"order_type": "BUY",
"price_type": "LIMIT",
"product_type": "CNC",
"lotsize": "1",
"trigger_price": "3385.00",
"price": "3390.00",
"quantity": "3",
"condition": "LTP_ABOVE"
"alert_id": "1234002",
"tradingsymbol": "RELIANCE-EQ",
"exchange": "NSE",
"token": "2885",
"remarks": "",
"order_time": "16:24:44 27-03-2023",
"order_type": "BUY",
"price_type": "LIMIT",
"product_type": "CNC",
"lotsize": "1",
"trigger_price": "2195.00",
"price": "2200.00",
"quantity": "1",
"condition": "LTP_BELOW"
"alert_id": "1234003",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY29MAR23F",
"exchange": "NFO",
"token": "37834",
"remarks": "admin",
"order_time": "16:31:10 27-03-2023",
"order_type": "SELL",
"price_type": "LIMIT",
"product_type": "NORMAL",
"lotsize": "50",
"stoploss_quantity": "50",
"target_quantity": "50",
"stoploss_price": "17700.00",
"target_price": "17400.00",
"stoploss_trigger": "17700.00",
"target_trigger": "17400.00",
"condition": "LMT_OCO"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Place GTT order |
Relative URL |
/gttplaceorder |
Method |
Content-Type |
Application/json |
Produces |
Application/json |
Description |
This API places GTT(Good Till Triggered) BUY/SELL orders. |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Place GTT order Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
exchange | - | Specifies the Exchange for your trading symbol |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
condition | LTP_ABOVE LTP_BELOW |
Condition for the placed GTT / OCO order |
alert_price | - | Order Price |
order_type | BUY SELL |
Order type BUY/SELL |
price | - | Order Price |
quantity | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
Place GTT order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
alert_id | - | Alert ID |
message | - | Shows the status message |
request_time | - | Request time |
Request Message Format
"exchange": "NSE",
"tradingsymbol": "TCS-EQ",
"condition": "LTP_BELOW",
"alert_price": "3100",
"order_type": "BUY",
"quantity": "1",
"price": "3100"
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"alert_id": "1234001",
"message": "Order Submitted Successfully",
"request_time": "11:31:32 27-03-2023"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Modify GTT order |
Relative URL |
/gttmodify |
Method |
Content-Type |
Application/json |
Produces |
Application/json |
Description |
This API modifies existing GTT order, if it is OPEN. |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Modify GTT order Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
exchange | - | Specifies the Exchange for your trading symbol |
alert_id | - | Alert ID |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
condition | - | Condition for the placed GTT / OCO order |
alert_price | - | Order Price |
order_type | BUY SELL |
Order type BUY/SELL |
price | - | Order Price |
quantity | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
Modify GTT order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
alert_id | - | Alert ID |
message | - | Shows the status message |
request_time | - | Request time |
Request Message Format
"exchange": "NSE",
"alert_id": "1234001",
"tradingsymbol": "TCS-EQ",
"condition": "LTP_ABOVE",
"alert_price": "3390",
"order_type": "BUY",
"quantity": "3",
"price": "3390"
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"alert_id": "1234001",
"message": "Order Modified Successfully",
"request_time": "12:51:10 27-03-2023"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Cancel GTT order |
Relative URL |
/gttcancel/{alert_id} |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
Application/json |
Description |
This API cancels existing GTT order if it is OPEN. |
Request message format |
This is get request and order id needs to be put in request URL. e.g. /gttcancel/1234001 |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Cancel GTT order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
alert_id | - | Alert ID |
message | - | Shows the status message |
request_time | - | Request time |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"request_time": "12:52:00 27-03-2023",
"alert_id": "1234001",
"message": "Order cancelled Successfully"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Place OCO order |
Relative URL |
/ocoplaceorder |
Method |
Content-Type |
Application/json |
Produces |
Application/json |
Description |
This API places OCO(One Cancels Other) order. |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Place OCO Order Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
remarks | - | Any tag by user to mark order. |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
exchange | - | Specifies the Exchange for your trading symbol |
order_type | BUY SELL |
Order type BUY/SELL |
target_quantity | - | Target Quantity |
stoploss_quantity | - | Stoploss Quantity |
target_price | - | Target Price |
stoploss_price | - | Stoploss Price |
Place OCO Order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
alert_id | - | Alert ID |
message | - | Shows the status message |
request_time | - | Request time |
Request Message Format
"remarks": "admin",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY29MAR23F",
"exchange": "NFO",
"order_type": "SELL",
"target_quantity": "50",
"stoploss_quantity": "50",
"target_price": "17000",
"stoploss_price": "17300"
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"request_time": "12:53:08 27-03-2023",
"alert_id": "1234002",
"message": "Order Submitted Successfully"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Modify OCO order |
Relative URL |
/ocomodify |
Method |
Content-Type |
Application/json |
Produces |
Application/json |
Description |
This API modifies existing OCO order, if it is OPEN. |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Modify OCO Order Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
remarks | - | Any tag by user to mark order. |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
exchange | - | Specifies the Exchange for your trading symbol |
order_type | BUY SELL |
Order type BUY/SELL |
target_quantity | - | Target Quantity |
stoploss_quantity | - | Stoploss Quantity |
target_price | - | Target Price |
stoploss_price | - | Stoploss Price |
alert_id | - | Alert ID |
Modify OCO Order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
alert_id | - | Alert ID |
message | - | Shows the status message |
request_time | - | Request time |
Request Message Format
"remarks": "admin",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY29MAR23F",
"exchange": "NFO",
"order_type": "SELL",
"target_quantity": "100",
"stoploss_quantity": "100",
"target_price": "17050",
"stoploss_price": "17250",
"alert_id": "1234002"
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"request_time": "12:54:06 27-03-2023",
"alert_id": "1234002",
"message": "Order Modified Successfully"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Cancel OCO order |
Relative URL |
/ococancel/{alert_id} |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
Application/json |
Description |
This API cancels existing OCO order if it is OPEN. |
Request message format |
This is get request and order id needs to be put in request URL. e.g. /ococancel/1234002 |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Cancel OCO Order Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
alert_id | - | Alert ID |
message | - | Shows the status message |
request_time | - | Request time |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"request_time": "12:54:41 27-03-2023",
"alert_id": "1234002",
"message": "Order cancelled Successfully"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Get Limits |
Relative URL |
/limits |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API provides limit across the segments |
Request message format |
NA |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Limit Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
CACBuyUsed | - | - |
CACSellCredits | - | - |
additionalScripBasketMargin | - | - |
additionalScripBasketMarginCommodityIntraday | - | - |
additionalScripBasketMarginCommodityMargin | - | - |
additionalScripBasketMarginDerivativeIntraday | - | - |
additionalScripBasketMarginDerivativeMargin | - | - |
additionalScripBasketMarginFXIntraday | - | - |
additionalScripBasketMarginFXMargin | - | - |
brokerCollateralAmount | - | - |
brokerage | - | - |
brokerageCommodityBracketOrder | - | - |
brokerageCommodityHighLeverage | - | - |
brokerageCommodityIntraday | - | - |
brokerageCommodityMargin | - | - |
brokerageDerivativeBracketOrder | - | - |
brokerageDerivativeHighLeverage | - | - |
brokerageDerivativeIntraday | - | - |
brokerageDerivativeMargin | - | - |
brokerageEquityBracketOrder | - | - |
brokerageEquityCAC | - | - |
brokerageEquityHighLeverage | - | - |
brokerageEquityIntraday | - | - |
brokerageEquityMargin | - | - |
brokerageFXBracketOrder | - | - |
brokerageFXHighLeverage | - | - |
brokerageFXIntraday | - | - |
brokerageFXMargin | - | - |
cash | - | - |
collateral | - | - |
currentRealizedPNL | - | - |
currentRealizedPNLCommodityIntraday | - | - |
currentRealizedPNLCommodityMargin | - | - |
currentRealizedPNLDerivativeIntraday | - | - |
currentRealizedPNLDerivativeMargin | - | - |
currentRealizedPNLEquityCashNCarry | - | - |
currentRealizedPNLEquityIntraday | - | - |
currentRealizedPNLEquityMargin | - | - |
currentRealizedPNLFXIntraday | - | - |
currentRealizedPNLFXMargin | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMTOMCommodityIntraday | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMTOMCommodityMargin | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMTOMDerivativeIntraday | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMTOMDerivativeMargin | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMTOMEquityCashNCarry | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMTOMEquityIntraday | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMTOMEquityMargin | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMTOMFXIntraday | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMTOMFXMargin | - | - |
currentUnrealizedMtom | - | - |
dayCash | - | - |
exchange | - | - |
exposureMargin | - | - |
exposureMarginCommodityIntraday | - | - |
exposureMarginCommodityMargin | - | - |
exposureMarginDerivativeIntraday | - | - |
exposureMarginDerivativeMargin | - | - |
exposureMarginFXIntraday | - | - |
exposureMarginFXMargin | - | - |
grcoll | - | - |
grossExposure | - | - |
grossExposureDerivative | - | - |
marginProduct | - | - |
marginProductCommodityBracketOrder | - | - |
marginProductCommodityHighLeverage | - | - |
marginProductDerivativeBracketOrder | - | - |
marginProductDerivativeHighLeverage | - | - |
marginProductEquityBracketOrder | - | - |
marginProductEquityHighLeverage | - | - |
marginProductFXBracketOrder | - | - |
marginProductFXHighLeverage | - | - |
marginUsed | - | - |
message | - | - |
mtomCurrentPercentage | - | - |
optionPremiumCommodityIntraday | - | - |
optionPremiumCommodityMargin | - | - |
optionPremiumDerivativeIntraday | - | - |
optionPremiumDerivativeMargin | - | - |
optionPremiumFXIntraday | - | - |
optionPremiumFXMargin | - | - |
payin | - | - |
payout | - | - |
peakMarginUsedByClient | - | - |
pendordval | - | - |
pendordvallmt | - | - |
premium | - | - |
product | - | - |
requestTime | - | - |
scripBasketMargin | - | - |
scripBasketMarginEquityCashNCarry | - | - |
scripBasketMarginEquityIntraday | - | - |
scripBasketMarginEquityMargin | - | - |
segment | - | - |
span | - | - |
spanMarginCommodityIntraday | - | - |
spanMarginCommodityMargin | - | - |
spanMarginDerivativeIntraday | - | - |
spanMarginDerivativeMargin | - | - |
spanMarginFXIntraday | - | - |
spanMarginFXMargin | - | - |
status | - | - |
turnOverLimit | - | - |
turnover | - | - |
unClearedCash | - | - |
varElmEquityCashNCarry | - | - |
varElmEquityIntraday | - | - |
varElmEquityMargin | - | - |
varElmMargin | - | - |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"cash": "2500000.00",
"payin": "0.00",
"payout": "0.0",
"brokerCollateralAmount": "0.00",
"unClearedCash": "0.00",
"dayCash": "0.00",
"turnOverLimit": "750000000.00",
"pendordvallmt": "450000000.00"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Get Order Margin |
Relative URL |
/margin |
Method |
Content-Type |
application/json |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API provides margin required for multiple order. If multiple orders are required to be placed this use this API and pass information about trading symbols for which order is to be placed. |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Basket Margin Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
basketlists | Refer below table Basket Margin Item Request | |
exchange | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
order_type | BUY SELL | Order type BUY/SELL |
price | - | Price to place the order (Should be 0 in case of price_type = Market) |
price_type | LIMIT MARKET SL-LIMIT SL-MARKET | Price type for order. Supported values are from LIMIT/MARKET/SL-LIMIT/SL-MARKET |
product_type | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL | Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
quantity | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
trigger_price | - | Price at which the order should be triggered (only for price_type = SL_LIMIT or SL-MARKET) |
Basket Margin Item Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
book_loss_price | - | Shows Stoploss price. Applicable only for Bracket orders |
exchange | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
filled_qty | - | Total Traded / filled quantity |
order_id | - | Shows Order ID |
order_type | BUY SELL | Order type BUY/SELL |
price | - | Price to place the order (Should be 0 in case of price_type = Market) |
price_type | LIMIT MARKET SL-LIMIT SL-MARKET | Price type for order. Supported values are from LIMIT/MARKET/SL-LIMIT/SL-MARKET |
product_type | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL | Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
quantity | - | Order quantity for this order (In multiple of lots for derivatives) |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
trigger_price | - | Price at which the order should be triggered (only for price_type = SL_LIMIT or SL-MARKET) |
Basket Margin Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
status | - | Place order success or failure indication. |
requestTime | - | Response received time. |
remarks | - | This field will contain rejection reason. |
newTotalMarginUsed | - | Total margin used. |
newMarginUsedAfterTrade | - | Margin used after trade. |
errorMessage | - | This will be present only if Order placement fails |
marginUsed | - | - |
Request Message Format
"basketlists": [
"exchange": "NFO",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB23F",
"quantity": "50",
"price": "18000",
"product_type": "INTRADAY",
"order_type": "BUY",
"price_type": "LIMIT"
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"remarks": "",
"newTotalMarginUsed": "109263.47",
"newMarginUsedAfterTrade": "113898.47",
"marginUsed": "9056.27"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Span calculator |
Relative URL |
/spancalculator |
Method |
Content-Type |
application/json |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API provides span information for supplied trading symbols |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Span Calculator Request Item :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
exchange | - | Specifies the Exchange for your tradingsymbol |
expiry | - | For derivatives, specifies expiry of the contract |
net_qty | - | Net Traded quantity |
open_buy_qty | - | Open buy quantity |
open_sell_qty | - | Open sell quantity |
option_strike | - | Option Strike price |
option_type | - | Option type, whether CE or PE |
product_type | CNC INTRADAY NORMAL | Indicates product type, whether Normal(Derivatives only), CNC(Equity only) or Intraday(both) |
symbol_name | - | symbol_name |
tradingsymbol | - | Specifies the trading symbol |
Span Calculator Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
exposure | - | Exposure Margin |
exposureTrade | - | - |
message | - | Shows the status message |
request_time | - | - |
span | - | Span Margin |
spanTrade | - | - |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
Request Message Format
"positions": [
"product_type": "NORMAL",
"exchange": "NFO",
"symbol_name": "NIFTY",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB2317700C",
"expiry": "23-FEB-2023",
"open_sell_qty": 100,
"open_buy_qty": 0,
"option_strike": "17700",
"option_type": "CE"
"product_type": "NORMAL",
"exchange": "NFO",
"symbol_name": "NIFTY",
"tradingsymbol": "NIFTY23FEB2317700P",
"expiry": "23-FEB-2023",
"open_sell_qty": 100,
"open_buy_qty": 0,
"option_strike": "17700",
"option_type": "PE"
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"span": "328482.00",
"exposure": "70660.00",
"spanTrade": "328482.00",
"exposureTrade": "70660.00",
"request_time": "19:08:56 01-02-2023"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Get Quotes |
Relative URL |
/quotes/{exchange}/{token} |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API provides quotes information for supplied trading symbols |
Request message format |
Create a GET request and put exchange and token in request URL. e.g. /quotes/NSE/22 |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Get Quotes Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
average_traded_price | - | Average price of the traded quantity |
best_ask_orders1 | - | Orders for Best Ask 1 |
best_ask_orders2 | - | Orders for Best Ask 2 |
best_ask_orders3 | - | Orders for Best Ask 3 |
best_ask_orders4 | - | Orders for Best Ask 4 |
best_ask_orders5 | - | Orders for Best Bid 5 |
best_ask_price1 | - | Best Ask Price 1 |
best_ask_price2 | - | Best Ask Price 2 |
best_ask_price3 | - | Best Ask Price 3 |
best_ask_price4 | - | Best Ask Price 4 |
best_ask_price5 | - | Best Ask Price 5 |
best_ask_qty1 | - | Quantity for Best Ask 1 |
best_ask_qty2 | - | Quantity for Best Ask 2 |
best_ask_qty3 | - | Quantity for Best Ask 3 |
best_ask_qty4 | - | Quantity for Best Ask 4 |
best_ask_qty5 | - | Quantity for Best Ask 5 |
best_bid_orders1 | - | Orders for Best Bid 1 |
best_bid_orders2 | - | Orders for Best Bid 2 |
best_bid_orders3 | - | Orders for Best Bid 3 |
best_bid_orders4 | - | Orders for Best Bid 4 |
best_bid_orders5 | - | Orders for Best Bid 5 |
best_bid_price1 | - | Best Bid Price 1 |
best_bid_price2 | - | Best Bid Price 2 |
best_bid_price3 | - | Best Bid Price 3 |
best_bid_price4 | - | Best Bid Price 4 |
best_bid_price5 | - | Best Bid Price 5 |
best_bid_qty1 | - | Quantity for Best Bid 1 |
best_bid_qty2 | - | Quantity for Best Bid 2 |
best_bid_qty3 | - | Quantity for Best Bid 3 |
best_bid_qty4 | - | Quantity for Best Bid 4 |
best_bid_qty5 | - | Quantity for Best Bid 5 |
company_name | - | Specifies Company name in case of NSE Equity Symbol |
day_high | - | Day High Price |
day_low | - | Day Low Price |
day_open | - | Day Open Price |
exchange | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
instrument_name | - | Specifies name of the instrument |
isin | - | Specifies ISIN code for the given scrip, in case of Equity Scrips |
last_trade_time | - | Time for the last executed trade |
last_traded_qty | - | Quantity for the last executed trade |
lotsize | - | For Derivatives symbols, specifies its lot size |
lower_circuit | - | Current Lower Circuit limit for the symbol |
ltp | - | Specifies the Last Traded Price for that scrip |
message | - | Shows the status message |
multiplier | - | Contract price multiplier, (used for order value calculation) |
price_factor | - | Price factor ((GN / GD) * (PN/PD)) |
price_precision | - | Price Precision |
segment | - | Specifies Segment, whether equity or derivatives |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
symbol_name | - | |
ticksize | - | Tick size for the mentioned symbol |
token | - | Unique token ID for each symbol |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
upper_circuit | - | Current Upper Circuit limit for the symbol |
volume | - | Total Volume for the day |
Response Message Format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"lotsize": "1",
"exchange": "NSE",
"tradingsymbol": "ACC-EQ",
"company_name": "ACC LIMITED",
"symbol_name": "ACC",
"segment": "EQT",
"instrument_name": "EQ",
"isin": "INE012A01025",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"price_precision": "2",
"multiplier": "1",
"upper_circuit": "2165.10",
"lower_circuit": "1673.05",
"price_factor": "(1 / 1 ) * (1 / 1)",
"ltp": "1858.00",
"day_high": "2008.50",
"day_low": "1750.00",
"volume": "4839643",
"last_traded_qty": "2",
"last_trade_time": "15:29:59",
"best_bid_price1": "1858.00",
"best_ask_price1": "1859.00",
"best_bid_price2": "1855.00",
"best_ask_price2": "1859.90",
"best_bid_price3": "1854.00",
"best_ask_price3": "1860.00",
"best_bid_price4": "1853.00",
"best_ask_price4": "1860.85",
"best_bid_price5": "1852.60",
"best_ask_price5": "1862.00",
"best_bid_qty1": "8",
"best_ask_qty1": "94",
"best_bid_qty2": "1",
"best_ask_qty2": "242",
"best_bid_qty3": "10",
"best_ask_qty3": "292",
"best_bid_qty4": "20",
"best_ask_qty4": "34",
"best_bid_qty5": "100",
"best_ask_qty5": "10",
"best_bid_orders1": "1",
"best_ask_orders1": "4",
"best_bid_orders2": "1",
"best_ask_orders2": "7",
"best_bid_orders3": "1",
"best_ask_orders3": "14",
"best_bid_orders4": "1",
"best_ask_orders4": "1",
"best_bid_orders5": "1",
"best_ask_orders5": "1",
"day_open": "1999.50",
"average_traded_price": "1858.91"
Particular |
Details |
API Name |
Security information |
Relative URL |
/securityinfo/{exchange}/{token} |
Method |
Content-Type |
NA |
Produces |
application/json |
Description |
This API provides details about the mentioned security for that token. |
Request message format |
Create a GET request and put exchange and token in request URL. e.g. /quotes/NSE/22 |
Request Header |
Authorization: Actual value of api_session_key This key is received from token response |
Get Security Info Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
additional_buy_margin | - | Additional margin for Buy order |
additional_sell_margin | - | Additional margin for Sell order |
company_name | - | Specifies Company name in case of NSE Equity Symbol |
deliveryMargin | - | - |
deliveryUnits | - | - |
elmMargin | - | - |
elm_buy_margin | - | Extreme Loss margin for Buy order |
elm_sell_margin | - | Extreme Loss margin for Sell order |
exchange | - | Exchange to which order will be placed |
exerciseEndDate | - | - |
exerciseStartDate | - | - |
expiry | - | For derivatives, specifies expiry of the contract |
exposureMargin | - | - |
freeze_qty | - | Freeze Quantity |
instrument_name | - | - |
isin | - | Specifies ISIN code for the given scrip, in case of Equity Scrips |
issueDate | - | - |
last_trade_date | - | Date for the last executed trade |
listingDate | - | - |
lotsize | - | For Derivatives symbols, specifies its lot size |
marketType | - | - |
message | - | - |
multiplier | - | Contract price multiplier, (used for order value calculation) |
nonTradableInstruments | - | - |
option_strike | - | Option Strike price |
option_type | - | Option type, whether CE or PE |
prcftr_d | - | - |
priceQuoteQuantity | - | - |
priceUnit | - | - |
price_precision | - | Price Precision |
requestTime | - | - |
segment | - | Specifies Segment, whether equity or derivatives |
special_buy_margin | - | Special margin for Buy order |
special_sell_margin | - | Special margin for Sell order |
status | - | Shows the status for the request |
symbol_name | - | Specifies Symbol name |
tenderEndDate | - | - |
tenderMargin | - | - |
tenderStartDate | - | - |
ticksize | - | Tick size for the mentioned symbol |
token | - | Unique token ID for each symbol |
tradeUnits | - | - |
tradingsymbol | - | Trading symbol as per master file |
varMargin | - | - |
weeklyOption | - | - |
Response Message Format
"requestTime": "16:33:33 03-02-2023",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"exchange": "NSE",
"tradingsymbol": "ACC-EQ",
"company_name": "ACC LIMITED",
"segment": "EQT",
"instrument_name": "EQ",
"ticksize": "0.05",
"lotsize": "1",
"price_precision": "2",
"multiplier": "1",
"isin": "INE012A01025",
"freeze_qty": "54270",
"deliveryMargin": "0.00",
"varMargin": "20.00",
"token": "22",
"prcftr_d": "(1/1)*(1/1)",
"issueDate": "24-10-1994",
"listingDate": "01-01-1980"
WebSocket connection URL: wss://
Note: One connection can be made at a time and 500 tokens per connection are allowed.
Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | c | ‘c’ represents connect task |
uid | - | User ID |
actid | - | Account id |
source | TRTP | Source should be TRTP |
susertoken | - | User Session Token |
Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | ck | ‘ck’ represents connect acknowledgement |
uid | - | User ID |
s | - | Ok or Not_Ok(in case of invalid user id or session id) |
Heartbeat message must be sent every 50 secs in order to keep the connection alive.
It will be a json object, as mentioned besides.
Note: There will be no response for the sent heartbeat message
Heartbeat Message
"t": "h"
Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | t | ‘t’ represents touchline task |
k | - | One or more scriplist for subscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123#NSE|NIFTY |
Subscription Acknowledgement :
Number of Acknowledgements for a single subscription will be the same as the number of scrips mentioned in the key (k) field.
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | tk | ‘tk’ represents connect acknowledgement |
e | NSE, BSE, NFO .. | Exchange name |
tk | 22 | Scrip Token |
pp | 2 for NSE, BSE 4 for CDS USDINR |
Price precision |
ts | - | Trading Symbol |
ti | - | Tick size |
ls | - | Lot size |
lp | - | LTP |
pc | - | Percentage change |
v | - | volume |
o | - | Open price |
h | - | High price |
I | - | Low price |
c | - | Close price |
ap | - | Average trade price |
oi | - | Open interest |
poi | - | Previous day closing Open Interest |
toi | - | Total open interest for underlying |
bq1 | - | Best Buy Quantity 1 |
bp1 | - | Best Buy Price 1 |
sq1 | - | Best Sell Quantity 1 |
sp1 | - | Best Sell Price 1 |
TouchLine subscription Updates :
Accept for t, e, and tk other fields may / may not be present.
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | tf | ‘tf’ represents touchline feed |
e | NSE, BSE, NFO .. | Exchange name |
tk | 22 | Scrip Token |
ft | - | Feed time |
lp | - | LTP |
pc | - | Percentage change |
v | - | volume |
o | - | Open price |
h | - | High price |
l | - | Low price |
c | - | Close price |
ap | - | Average trade price |
oi | - | Open interest |
poi | - | Previous day closing Open Interest |
toi | - | Total open interest for underlying |
bq1 | - | Best Buy Quantity 1 |
bp1 | - | Best Buy Price 1 |
sq1 | - | Best Sell Quantity 1 |
sp1 | - | Best Sell Price 1 |
Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | u | ‘u’ represents Unsubscribe Touchline |
k | - | One or more scriplist for unsubscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | uk | ‘uk’ represents Unsubscribe Touchline acknowledgement |
k | - | One or more scriplist for unsubscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | d | ‘d’ represents depth subscription |
k | - | One or more scriplist for subscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
Subscription Depth Acknowledgement :
Number of Acknowledgements for a single subscription will be the same as the number of scrips mentioned in the key (k) field.
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | dk | ‘dk’ represents depth acknowledgement |
e | NSE, BSE, NFO .. | Exchange name |
tk | 22 | Scrip Token |
lp | - | LTP |
pc | - | Percentage change |
v | - | volume |
o | - | Open price |
h | - | High price |
l | - | Low price |
c | - | Close price |
ap | - | Average trade price |
ltt | - | Last trade time |
ltq | - | Last trade quantity |
tbq | - | Total Buy Quantity |
tsq | - | Total Sell Quantity |
bq1 | - | Best Buy Quantity 1 |
bq2 | - | Best Buy Quantity 2 |
bq3 | - | Best Buy Quantity 3 |
bq4 | - | Best Buy Quantity 4 |
bq5 | - | Best Buy Quantity 5 |
bp1 | - | Best Buy Price 1 |
bp2 | - | Best Buy Price 2 |
bp3 | - | Best Buy Price 3 |
bp4 | - | Best Buy Price 4 |
bp5 | - | Best Buy Price 5 |
bo1 | - | Best Buy Orders 1 |
bo2 | - | Best Buy Orders 2 |
bo3 | - | Best Buy Orders 3 |
bo4 | - | Best Buy Orders 4 |
bo5 | - | Best Buy Orders 5 |
sq1 | - | Best Sell Quantity 1 |
sq2 | - | Best Sell Quantity 2 |
sq3 | - | Best Sell Quantity 3 |
sq4 | - | Best Sell Quantity 4 |
sq5 | - | Best Sell Quantity 5 |
sp1 | - | Best Sell Price 1 |
sp2 | - | Best Sell Price 2 |
sp3 | - | Best Sell Price 3 |
sp4 | - | Best Sell Price 4 |
sp5 | - | Best Sell Price 5 |
so1 | - | Best Sell Orders 1 |
so2 | - | so3 |
so4 | - | Best Sell Orders 4 |
so5 | - | Best Sell Orders 5 |
lc | - | Lower Circuit Limit |
uc | - | Upper Circuit Limit |
52h | - | 52 week high low in other exchanges, Life time high low in mcx |
52l | - | 52 week high low in other exchanges, Life time high low in mcx |
oi | - | Open interest |
poi | - | Previous day closing Open Interest |
toi | - | Total open interest for underlying |
Depth subscription Updates :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | df | ‘df’ represents depth feed |
e | NSE, BSE, NFO .. | Exchange name |
tk | 22 | Scrip Token |
lp | - | LTP |
pc | - | Percentage change |
v | - | volume |
o | - | Open price |
h | - | High price |
l | - | Low price |
c | - | Close price |
ap | - | Average trade price |
ltt | - | Last trade time |
ltq | - | Last trade quantity |
tbq | - | Total Buy Quantity |
tsq | - | Total Sell Quantity |
bq1 | - | Best Buy Quantity 1 |
bq2 | - | Best Buy Quantity 2 |
bq3 | - | Best Buy Quantity 3 |
bq4 | - | Best Buy Quantity 4 |
bq5 | - | Best Buy Quantity 5 |
bp1 | - | Best Buy Price 1 |
bp2 | - | Best Buy Price 2 |
bp3 | - | Best Buy Price 3 |
bp4 | - | Best Buy Price 4 |
bp5 | - | Best Buy Price 5 |
bo1 | - | Best Buy Orders 1 |
bo2 | - | Best Buy Orders 2 |
bo3 | - | Best Buy Orders 3 |
bo4 | - | Best Buy Orders 4 |
bo5 | - | Best Buy Orders 5 |
sq1 | - | Best Sell Quantity 1 |
sq2 | - | Best Sell Quantity 2 |
sq3 | - | Best Sell Quantity 3 |
sq4 | - | Best Sell Quantity 4 |
sq5 | - | Best Sell Quantity 5 |
sp1 | - | Best Sell Price 1 |
sp2 | - | Best Sell Price 2 |
sp3 | - | Best Sell Price 3 |
sp4 | - | Best Sell Price 4 |
sp5 | - | Best Sell Price 5 |
so1 | - | Best Sell Orders 1 |
so2 | - | so3 |
so4 | - | Best Sell Orders 4 |
so5 | - | Best Sell Orders 5 |
lc | - | Lower Circuit Limit |
uc | - | Upper Circuit Limit |
52h | - | 52 week high low in other exchanges, Life time high low in mcx |
52l | - | 52 week high low in other exchanges, Life time high low in mcx |
oi | - | Open interest |
poi | - | Previous day closing Open Interest |
toi | - | Total open interest for underlying |
Sample Message
"t": "df",
"e": "NSE",
"tk": "22",
"o": "1166.00",
"h": "1179.00",
"l": "1145.35",
"c": "1152.65",
"ap": "1159.74",
"v": "819881",
"tbq": "120952",
"tsq": "131730",
"bp1": "1156.00",
"sp1": "1156.50",
"bp2": "1155.80",
"sp2": "1156.55",
"bp3": "1155.75",
"sp3": "1156.65",
"bp4": "1155.70",
"sp4": "1156.70",
"bp5": "1155.65",
"sp5": "1156.75",
"bq1": "4",
"sq1": "10",
"bq2": "67",
"sq2": "63",
"bq3": "83",
"sq3": "1",
"bq4": "139",
"sq4": "53",
"bq5": "393",
"sq5": "94"
Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | ud | ‘ud’ represents Unsubscribe depth |
k | - | One or more scriplist for unsubscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
Response :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | udk | ‘udk’ represents unsubscribe depth acknowledgement |
k | - | One or more scriplist for unsubscription. Example NSE|22#BSE|508123 |
Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | o | ‘o’ represents order update subscription task |
actid | - | Account id based on which order updated to be sent. |
Subscription Acknowledgement :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | ok | ‘ok’ represents order update subscription acknowledgement |
t | om | ‘om’ represents touchline feed |
norenordno | - | Noren Order Number |
uid | - | User Id |
actid | - | Account ID |
exch | - | Exchange |
tsym | - | Trading symbol |
qty | - | Order quantity |
prc | - | Order Price |
prd | - | Product |
status | - | Order status (New, Replaced, Complete, Rejected etc) |
reporttype | - | Order event for which this message is sent out. (Fill, Rejected, Canceled) |
trantype | - | Order transaction type, buy or sell |
prctyp | - | Order price type (LMT, MKT, SL-LMT, SL-MKT) |
ret | - | Order retention type (DAY, EOS, IOC,...) |
fillshares | - | Total Filled shares for this order |
avgprc | - | Average fill price |
fltm | - | Fill Time(present only when reporttype is Fill) |
flid | - | Fill ID (present only when reporttype is Fill) |
flqty | - | Fill Qty(present only when reporttype is Fill) |
flprc | - | Fill Price(present only when reporttype is Fill) |
rejreason | - | Order rejection reason, if rejected |
exchordid | - | Exchange Order ID |
cancelqty | - | Canceled quantity, in case of canceled order |
remarks | - | User added tag, while placing order |
dscqty | - | Disclosed quantity |
trgprc | - | Trigger price for SL orders |
snonum | - | This will be present for child orders in case of cover and bracket orders, if present needs to be sent during exit |
snoordt | - | This will be present for child orders in case of cover and bracket orders, it will indicate whether the order is profit or stoploss |
blprc | - | This will be present for cover and bracket parent order. This is the differential stop loss trigger price to be entered. |
bpprc | - | This will be present for bracket parent order. This is the differential profit price to be entered. |
trailprc | - | This will be present for cover and bracket parent order. This is required if trailing ticks is to be enabled. |
exch_tm | - | This will have the exchange update time |
Request :
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
t | uo | ‘uo’ represents Unsubscribe Order update |
t | uok | ‘uok’ represents Unsubscribe Order update acknowledgement |