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Explanation: Other Current Assets represent current assets on a company’s balance sheet that do not fall into specific categories such as current investments, inventories, trade receivables, cash and cash equivalents, and short-term loans and advances. These assets typically include items such as prepaid expenses, deferred tax assets, accrued income, and other miscellaneous assets that are expected to be converted into cash or consumed within one year.
Example: TCS reports other current assets of 4,932 crore rupees as of FY23. These assets encompass various items not classified under current investments, inventories, trade receivables, cash and cash equivalents, or short-term loans and advances. Examples of other current assets for TCS may include prepaid expenses for services or supplies, deferred tax assets related to tax benefits that will be realized within the next year, and accrued income from revenue earned but not yet received. Monitoring changes in other current assets helps stakeholders understand the composition of TCS’s short-term assets and assess its liquidity position and working capital management.
You can view the Other Current Assets for any company on Radar under Current Assets in the Balance Sheet section.