Published on: June 6, 2023
We are pleased to introduce the Auto trade engine feature. It does not require any programming language and can be used by anyone to design his own strategy and execute it automatically within the TradePoint terminal in any market segment.
It is also possible to run options multi-leg strategies on charts or options greeks.

TradePoint Desktop trading terminal has two important features.
1- An Ultra Scanner
2- Trading API: Integrate
Ultra Scanner
Ultra Scanner is a multi-charting strategy scanner and one of its kind.
To access it, click Scanner -> Real-time scanner -> Ultra Scanner.
Below are the major features of the Ultra scanner:
1 – Select entry and exit conditions for any charting method
2 – There are pre-defined patterns and conditions to select from. You can create your own strategies in the system builder and select them for entry or exit in the Ultra scanner.
3 – Entry and exit can be done using different charting methods. Entry can be on one timeframe and exit on another and so on.
4 – You can define stop-loss, target or trailing stop-loss along with strategy conditions.
Please click here to read more about the Ultra scanner.
Trading API: Integrate
Integrate is an open source trading API of Definedge Securities.
That API can be used for other applications. It allows you to build trading and financial platforms, execute strategies and more.
Please click here to read complete documentation of the Integrate Trading API.
Definedge Autotrader combines both of these features for you and makes the process as easy as possible. With the Auto trade engine, you can connect to the Definedge API even if you do not know any programming knowledge.
Auto Trade engine helps you connect with the Definedge API and Ultra scanner. You can select your strategies in the Ultra scanner and place orders via the auto trade engine.
You need absolutely no coding knowledge to define strategies in the system builder of TradePoint. You can select any pattern, indicator or combination of them from any charting method. There are many possibilities for designing trading strategies in the system builder.
Ultra scanner allows trading strategies in the Auto trade engine to be executed on NSE, F&O, BSE, MCX or CDS segments. It can be applied to any time frame and any charting method. It is even possible to use different charting methods for exit.
It is also possible to design Options multi-leg strategies and select strike prices according to delta, width, or premium.
To learn more about how to use Auto Trade Engine in TradePoint Desktop, please click here.